Welcome to the SaddleBrooke Ranch Rancheros Square Dance Club
About Square Dancing

Square Dancing is the Original American Dance … It provides exercise and fun to thousands of dancers throughout the United States and the world.
Square Dancing has Significant Health Benefits.
Square Dancing is a BRAIN-POWER activity. How so you ask?
Learning new moves activates brain motor centers that form new neutral connections.
Dancing also calms the brain’s stress response.
… REALLY. Don’t take our word for it.
It’s FITNESS at its best. Some folks will even comment on how much exercise they are getting in an evening of square dancing, unaware of the actual results the activity is providing for them. With square dancing, you are exercising the brain and the body simultaneously. You are getting a real work out without even realizing it because it is so much fun. Square dancing is a great cardiovascular exercise. Movement to music is melodious to the mind.
— excerpt from “It’s Fun to Get Fit for Under a Fin”, by Corben Geis, American Square Dance, July 2004
Our Dances
Rancheros Square Dance Club works closely with our sister club, the Saddlebrooke Squares. Currently we hold joint dances with the Saddlebrooke Squares at the Mountain View Ballroom where we are guests of our sister club.
The two clubs dance together at the MountainView Ballroom every SUNDAY evening from 7 to 8:30 PM. Dances are preceded by a practice dance for those learning to square dance, starting at 6 PM.
Typically the dance is at the “Plus” level.
Lessons are every THURSDAY evening starting in mid-January until mid-April to learn the calls through the “Mainstream” level. “Plus” calls are taught from October to early December.
About Lessons
Rancheros Square Dance Club works in conjunction with Saddlebrooke Squares to offer lessons starting in January. These lessons are designed to teach students all Basic and “Mainstream” calls, concluding in mid-April. The lessons are held on THURSDAY evenings from 7 to 8:30 PM, typically in the MountainView Ballroom. Since the lessons involve building up the student’s repertoire of calls, it is important that you plan to attend the lessons consecutively each week. “Plus” calls are taught from October to early December.
A practice dance is held every Thursday from 6-7PM to practice calls learned the preceding Sunday.
Contact Us
To contact us, please fill in the information below. If you have any problems or questions, contact Rebecca Williams, by phone at (847)212-0505 or by using this Contact form.
Our News
2023-12-12 11:32:23PLUS LESSONS WILL BE STARTING ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH. Contact us for details.
2023-09-30 20:19:51Square Dancing 6:00 to 8:00 PM Sundays, PLUS level
The Rancheros Squares invite you to come and dance with us on Sunday evenings from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for PLUS. We have a live caller and usually dance with our sister club at the MountainView Ballroom in Saddlebrooke HOA 2. Just contact us to get our location for the evening as it can vary slightly.