"Saddlebrooke Ranch Collection" of Club Sites by Ken Gorman, June 14, 2024 NOTE THE NEW "CLUB GROUPS" FEATURE - SECTION 5 BELOW Public-facing Landing Page Display description and details about club, posted by Admin or Editor. Session day, session time, session location, session description part 1, session description part 2, maximum attendees for session. Log into Home Page. Optional: Show current "registered" players (viewable without logging in). Members-only Home Page; not viewable by the public Sign up to "registered" for a session. Cancel registration. Add Note to their registration (e.g., need a ride). View list of registered members ("Current Sign-ups) and their notes. Maximum number of registrations for a session set by Admin. Automatic wait-list for overbooked session. Members can update their password and email address. Optional: Logout (and stay registered, with Notes maintained). Editor operations Add Member (Use this for member onboarding). Delete Member. Clear session registration list (typically during or immediately after session. Set/edit session details (see 1 above). View membership listing including email address. Blue text indicates who are Editors. Red text indicates who are Admins (yes, can be more than one). Send email blast to all members, if you must. Admin operations All Editor operations (section 3 above). Change member privileges. Promote member --> Editor --> Admin. Demote Admin --> Editor --> member. Club Groups - standard feature Clubs can choose to form in a group, organized by those groups. Links to all clubs in a group are posted on each club Home Page. Members can leap from club to club for which they are members, staying logged in to all of them. Nice for organizing one's personal schedule.